Gifts for History Buffs

Are you looking for an excellent and unique gift for the history buff in your life? You're in the right place! History By Mail offers a unique way to learn history directly from history through documents themselves.

We have created a list of unique gifts for history buffs.

Historic Cartoons

Find out by learning from our collection of cards covering over 200 years of American history. Each card is printed on high quality card stock in the original color and style. On the reverse side of each cartoon is a full description of the historical context and an explanation of the image. The cartoons are contained in a high quality bamboo or plastic keepsake box. Tour through history in a novel and entertaining way!

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Recipes from Historic Figures Subscription

This fascinating subscription series delivers detailed replicas of real handwritten recipes from renowned names like George Washington, Emily Dickinson, and Rosa Parks. An exciting gift for foodies and history buffs alike, each monthly delivery is a keepsake-worthy peek into our delicious past.

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History Timelines & Charts

Step into the corridors of time with our History Timelines collection. These concise yet comprehensive visual narratives offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Canadian, US, and World History. Trace the footsteps of history's giants, understand the turning points, and witness the fusion of past and present.

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Historical Prints and Documents

Step into the past through the brushstrokes and ink of our "Prints & Documents" collection. Each piece is a visual time capsule, preserving history's most significant moments in artful detail. From the iconic "Declaration of Independence" to Abraham Lincoln's transformative words, let history adorn your walls and connect you to the narratives that have shaped humanity.

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