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Blogs & Articles

First Dog (1940s)

By Aaron Siegel

Fala was president Franklin D. Roosevelt's Scottish Terrier. FDR was given to FDR by a cousin. Fala was one of the most famous presidential pets...

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Original Coke Bottle Patent (1915)

By Aaron Siegel

Before 1915, virtually all soda bottles looked the same. Then, in 1915, the Coca-Cola Company launched a competition among glass makers to see who could...

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Nixon Goes to China (1972)

By Aaron Siegel

In February 1972, President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon made a historic seven-day official visit to China to improve the relations between the...

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President Nixon’s Resignation Letter to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (1974)

By Aaron Siegel

On Friday August 9th, 1974, Richard Nixon became the only U.S. president to resign from office. Due to his involvement and cover up of the...

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Jefferson Accepting Secretary of State (1790)

By Aaron Siegel

The above letter, which is transcribed below, was sent by Thomas Jefferson to President George Washington accepting the position of the first U.S. Secretary of...

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Albert Einstein's Declaration of Intention to Become U.S. Citizen (1936)

By Aaron Siegel

Albert Einstein, the iconic German-born physicist and Nobel Prize winner visited the United States in 1933. During his visit, Adolf Hitler came to power so...

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Welcome to History By Mail Blog

By Aaron Siegel

Welcome to the History By Mail blog! In this blog we will showcase some of our interesting "extra" documents. These are documents our historians have...

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