The #1 American History Replica Subscription
Fascinating historical replicas delivered by mail every month. Never get the same treasure twice.
Award-Winning History By Mail Yearlong Subscription
Meet the most authentic & endless history subscription that delights history lovers of all ages.
- All subscriptions deliver every month.
- Choose your flexible payment option.
- Renew for years without receiving duplicates.
What's included?
- Collectible masterpieces, meticulously crafted to replicate the original documents' ink tone, paper color, and texture, offering an authentic historical experience.
- Each replica includes an additional historical context document.
- Every 4 months, we explore a different theme from various angles using the letters and documents as our guides.
- Add on additional subscription packs that feature everything from National Parks, National Holidays, and more!
Supercharge Your Subscription
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Expertly Curated. Professionally recreated - down to the pen stroke
Gift Bundles
Your connection to history shouldn't be limited to museums alone.
Every year, one in three Americans visits a historical site, and many crave more opportunities to explore.
For some of our family members, the chance to visit another museum may be limited.
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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Cancel anytime. You'll see a refund on any remaining subscription months.
- Chat with customer service by either Chat, Email or Social Media.
- More than 3K+ recipients have loved and cherished their gift!
Frequently Asked questions
History By Mail is a monthly subscription service for replicas of historical letters and documents. Each letter comes with a separate document explaining the context of the letter including its author, recipient, and relevance to the events of its time, as well as a transcription when necessary.
History By Mail makes an excellent gift for history buffs of all shapes and sizes.
Letters come once every month and are charged either monthly, every 6 months, or annually (depending on your subscription plan).
Simply click the "Send as a gift" button on the selected subscription page and fill in the recipient's details. An email will be sent to the recipient on the date set on the "When should we tell the recipient about their gift?" field. You can choose the number of renewals you would like to gift the recipient by choosing from the "Gift Amount" options. Multiple renewals will be billed up front in a single charge. You can also add a message in the "Gift Message" section for a personalized touch.
The subscription recipient will receive a welcome letter with his or her first replica, explaining the History By Mail subscription.
Our team of curators search historic archives worldwide for interesting letters that touch on relevant historic themes, or that are written by or to historic figures. Our team verifies the authenticity of the documents and then produces a replica of the original document to deliver to you.
Of course! Please email us at and we will be happy to help you out.
You can send us an email at
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